
Estou tentando migrar o conteúdo de uma instalação OJS na Unipampa para outra instalação também OJS na UFSC, tanto o xml nativo, quanto os usuários, mas sempre dá o erro a seguir…

Erros de validação:
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'locale': The attribute 'locale' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'language': The attribute 'language' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'section_ref': The attribute 'section_ref' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'seq': The attribute 'seq' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'access_status': The attribute 'access_status' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}title': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {http://pkp.sfu.ca}id, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}submission_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}artwork_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}supplementary_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}pkppublication, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}publication ).
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'locale': The attribute 'locale' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'language': The attribute 'language' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'section_ref': The attribute 'section_ref' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'seq': The attribute 'seq' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'access_status': The attribute 'access_status' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}title': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {http://pkp.sfu.ca}id, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}submission_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}artwork_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}supplementary_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}pkppublication, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}publication ).
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'locale': The attribute 'locale' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'language': The attribute 'language' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'section_ref': The attribute 'section_ref' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'seq': The attribute 'seq' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'access_status': The attribute 'access_status' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}title': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {http://pkp.sfu.ca}id, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}submission_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}artwork_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}supplementary_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}pkppublication, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}publication ).
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'locale': The attribute 'locale' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'language': The attribute 'language' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'section_ref': The attribute 'section_ref' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'seq': The attribute 'seq' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'access_status': The attribute 'access_status' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}title': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {http://pkp.sfu.ca}id, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}submission_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}artwork_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}supplementary_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}pkppublication, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}publication ).
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'locale': The attribute 'locale' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'language': The attribute 'language' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'section_ref': The attribute 'section_ref' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'seq': The attribute 'seq' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'access_status': The attribute 'access_status' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}title': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {http://pkp.sfu.ca}id, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}submission_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}artwork_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}supplementary_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}pkppublication, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}publication ).
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'locale': The attribute 'locale' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'language': The attribute 'language' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'section_ref': The attribute 'section_ref' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'seq': The attribute 'seq' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'access_status': The attribute 'access_status' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}title': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {http://pkp.sfu.ca}id, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}submission_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}artwork_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}supplementary_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}pkppublication, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}publication ).
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'locale': The attribute 'locale' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'language': The attribute 'language' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'section_ref': The attribute 'section_ref' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'seq': The attribute 'seq' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}article', attribute 'access_status': The attribute 'access_status' is not allowed.
Element '{http://pkp.sfu.ca}title': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {http://pkp.sfu.ca}id, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}submission_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}artwork_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}supplementary_file, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}pkppublication, {http://pkp.sfu.ca}publication ).

Alguém tem uma ideia do que possa ser ou sugestão de outra possibilidade de trazer os dados de uma instalação para outra?

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@arthur.nanni ,

acredito que o xml que foi gerado pelo plugin de exportação não tenha sido validado com o XSD.
No entandto, quando é realizado a importação do xml o mesmo é válido pelo XSD correspondente (native.xsd).

Desse modo, o arquivo XML gerado, está desacordo com XSD nessa versão do OJS.

O XML gerado está mais parecido com da versão 3.2.1-4. Olha os atributos (section_ref, seq, access_status) do elemento article: :

O XML parece que foi gerado nessa versão.

Já na versão 3.2.1-4 já não existem esses atributos mencionados.

Desse modo sugiro que você confira o XSD da versão que você quer importar (https://github.com/pkp/ojs/blob/3_2_1-4/plugins/importexport/native/native.xsd) e ajuste o seu XML de acordo com esse XSD.

Neste caso, remova esses atributos (‘locale’ , ‘language’, ‘section_ref’, ‘section_ref’, ‘seq’,‘access_status’) do elemento ‘article’ do seu XML.

Esse problema aparentemente ocorria, pois o PKP não tinha um controle versão estável para esse plugin. Conforme, relatado pelo pessoal da PKP OJS new native xml scheme? - #4 by asmecher - Software Support - PKP Community Forum .

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Oi Diego,
Obrigado pelo retorno. Acabamos migrando tudo na mão mesmo. Aproveitamos por não ter nenhuma edição ainda publicada. Ficaremos apenas sem os arquivos de fluxo de trabalho, mas tá resolvido.

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